Railway Maps: By and For the Railway Industry: An Illustrated Guide (Golfa Press)

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In this book, author Tony Thorndike examines the history of maps produced by and for the railway industry in Britain. Often produced within the railway industry, these maps have always been of interest to enthusiasts and followers of the British railway scene. Maps produced by the railways for passenger use have been omitted from this book, which focuses on more details maps intended for us within the industry.

The book examines the various requirements for maps within the railway industry and uses examples to illustate how cartographers have produced maps to meet these needs. Maps produced by railway companies are included, as are more recently produced track-level detail plans, such as those originally produced by Quail.

A further chapter looks at atlases which have been produced in recent decades, largely for the enthusiast market. An introduction looks at the development of railway mapping over the last 100+ years.

Each chapter is illustrated throughout with map extracts. 60 pages.

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