The fifth volume in this series is a detailed reference work describing the history and development of train detection and control methods from the earliest signalling systems to the latest modern technology in use on the high speed lines of today. Engineering and technological advances are explored and the quest for greater safety in the face of increasing line speeds and track capacity is described in some detail.
The book begins with a look at the need for train detection systems and the early attempts to satisfy the requirement that eventually gave rise to track circuits. The effect of DC and AC electrification is discussed, before moving on to axle counters, automatic train control, automatic warning system (AWS) and train protection and warning system (TPWS). Train describers, hot axle box detectors and other items of equipment and safety systems are also examined.
A useful glossary, explanation of abbreviations and a bibliography are included, plus brief biographies of key figures in the development of train detection and control systems over the years. Also includes a foreword by Sir Peter Hendy CBE, Chair of Network Rail.
Contains a selection of photographs and diagrams to illustrate the narrative text. The illustrations are reproduced in black & white. 176 pages. Hardback