Images of the British Railway Landscape: Iconic Scenes of Trains & Architecture (Pen & Sword)

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In Images of the British Railway Landscape: Iconic Scenes of Trains and Architecture author, David Goodyear, sets out from the south west on a series of journeys travelling towards the north and east, passing through a broad range of locations countrywide. David's approach to railway photography is to capture the context of the railway within the landscape through which it passes. The setting of the railway can often reveal its historical context and whilst steam locomotives bring a special sense of mood and movement to a railway landscape, a modern train can equally contribute its soul to the landscape in which the railway is found. Diesel and electric trains promote their own appeal and character through their eye-catching liveries, conveying a sense of performance against a backdrop where the aesthetic of the passing train is expressed, alongside the location or architecture which surrounds it.

A pleasing mixture of modern, narrow gauge and preserved railway traction are presented within scenic landscapes. Big skies and brooding hills, or a patchwork of colour in springtime fields, help to give a sense of the beauty of the landscape through which the train passes. Equally sunlight and shadows, along with the quality of light changing through the different seasons, all contribute to give the ambiance of the locations. The majority of the photographs were taken over a 20 year period, from the start of the millennium through to 2020, and David accompanies each one with a descriptive caption.

214 colour photographs. Hardback. 200 pages.

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