Bahn Extra 4/2021: Berlin 1961

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No city was as much in the focus of the Cold War as Berlin. And no event signified the realities of the situation as much as the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. West Berlin was sealed off overnight, with repercussions for the city and its railways that lasted for decades.

Bahn Extra 4/2021: Berlin 1961 is an illustrated review of what construction of the Wall meant for the railway in the divided city. The magazine-style publication is presented as a series of articles packed with data, facts, eyewitness reports and historical accounts of what happened and what it was like to be in Berlin at the time.

It looks at the effect on long-distance and suburban services, as well as looking at some of Berlin’s stations in detail. As well as Berlin itself, articles looking at the use of certain locomotive types, including the P8 of DB and 35 1113 of DR.

A folded map showing the extent of Berlin’s railways in 1961 is also included as a supplement. Well illustrated in colour and black & white. 98 pages. German text.

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